Mazgaba Maṣāḥəft



Identifiers CAe # Primary Title
CAe 6306 BM/LIT6306CCR1 Gabra Masqal's grant of Sar’e etc
CAe 6307 BM/LIT6307CCR2 Gabra Masqal's gʷǝlt of Galabā etc.
CAe 6308 BM/LIT6308CCR3 Gabra Masqal's gʷǝlt of Tēdrar etc.
CAe 6309 BM/LIT6309CCR4 Gabra Masqal's donation of eight fields
CAe 6310 BM/LIT6310CCR5 Gabra Masqal's note on Gʷǝnāgʷǝnā monastery
CAe 6311 BM/LIT6311CCR6 Lālibalā's gʷǝlt to the church of Masqal and to the church of Mary
CAe 6312 BM/LIT6312CCR7b A note by ʿāqābe saʿāt of Maṭāʿ Yǝrdǝʾanna Krǝstos
CAe 6313 BM/LIT6313CCR8 Land grant by Yǝrdǝʾanna Krǝstos, bǝgwǝnāy of Ṣǝlālā, ‘aqābe sa‘āt of Maṭā‘
CAe 6314 BM/LIT6314CCR9 Note by Mǝslena ʾƎgzi’: sǝyum Dabr Mā‘ṣo
CAe 6315 BM/LIT6315CCR10 Restoration of gʷǝlt by ʾƎngǝdā ʾƎgzi’
CAe 6316 BM/LIT6316CCR11 Land grant by Takasta Bǝrhan, nǝbura ʾǝd and ‘aqabe sa‘āt za-beta Maṭā‘
CAe 6317 BM/LIT6317CCR12 Gospel donation by Takasta Bǝrhan, nǝbura ʾǝd and ‘aqabe sa‘āt za-beta Maṭā‘
CAe 6319 BM/LIT6319CCR13 Note by ‘aqābē sa‘āt ʾAsfǝḥā
CAe 6321 BM/LIT6321CCR14 Return of fields in Biḥat by Sanbat Maḥara
CAe 6322 BM/LIT6322CCR15 Restoration of gʷǝlt by Tasfāna ʾƎgzi’
CAe 6323 BM/LIT6323CCR16 Land grant by Zǝwāba ʾƎgzi’
CAe 6324 BM/LIT6324CCR17 Gʷǝlt by Yā‘bika ʾƎgzi’
CAe 6325 BM/LIT6325CCR18 Return of lands by Krǝstos ʾAbuhu
CAe 6326 BM/LIT6326CCR19 ʿAmda Ṣǝyon's donations
CAe 6327 BM/LIT6327CCR20 Gʷǝlt by Bǝlen Sābā
CAe 6328 BM/LIT6328CCR21 Grant to Māryām za-Sa‘agā by ‘Amda Ṣǝyon
CAe 6329 BM/LIT6329CCR22 Restoration of gʷǝlt by ‘Amda Ṣǝyon/Garba Masqal
CAe 6330 BM/LIT6330CCR23 Land grant by Gabra Krǝstos
CAe 6331 BM/LIT6331CCR24 ‘Amda Ṣǝyon's gʷǝlt of Ṣǝdā’ etc
CAe 6332 BM/LIT6332CCR25 Restoration of gʷǝlt to Gunāgunā by ‘Amda Ṣǝyon
CAe 6334 BM/LIT6334CCR27 Land grant by ‘Ǝqbā ʾƎgzi’
CAe 6335 BM/LIT6335CCR28 Grant by Yǝśmǝka ʾƎgzi’
CAe 6336 BM/LIT6336CCR29 Restoration of Tarkā by Tansǝ’a Krǝstos
CAe 6337 BM/LIT6337CCR30 Grant by ʾAsgad
CAe 6338 BM/LIT6338CCR31 Donation of ʾAd Burāha
CAe 6339 BM/LIT6339CCR32 Land grant by Māryām Ḫaylā
CAe 6340 BM/LIT6340CCR33 A note on women's ban at the monastery
CAe 6341 BM/LIT6341CCR34 Monks geneology
CAe 6342 BM/LIT6342CCR35 Funeral services
CAe 6343 BM/LIT6343CCR0 L'Evangelo d'oro
CAe 6344 BM/LIT6344CCR26 Donation by Tasfā ʾIyasus
CAe 6345 BM/LIT6345CCR6b A note that lists dignitaries
CAe 6346 BM/LIT6346MartyrPifamon ገድል፡ ወስምዕ፡ ዘቅዱስ፡ ወክቡር፡ ሰማዕት፡ ንጹሕ፡ አባ፡ ፒፋሞን፡, Gadl wa-sǝmʿ za-qǝddus wa-kǝbur samāʿt nǝṣuh ʾabbā Pifāmon
CAe 6347 BM/LIT6347SalamWatchful ሰላም፡ ለክሙ፡ ማኅበረ፡ መላእክት፡ ትጉሃን፡, Salām lakǝmu malāʾǝkt tǝguhān, Greeting to you, the Congreagation of Watchful Angels
CAe 6348 BM/LIT6348Blessing ባርኮ፡ ወውዳሴ፡ ይደልዎሙ፡ ለሥላሴ፡, Bārǝko wa-wǝddāse yǝdallǝwomu la-śǝllase, The Trinity is Worthy of Blessing and Praise
CAe 6349 BM/LIT6349MartyrdomAkaweh ስምዕ፡ ወገድል፡ ዘቅዱስ፡ አባ፡ አካውሕ፡, Sǝmʿ wa-gadl za-qǝddus ʾabbā ʾAkāwǝḥ, Martyrdom and combat of saint ʾAkāwǝḥ
CAe 6350 BM/LIT6350MEMiracle Miracle of ʾEwosṭātewos: the saint's heavenly journey from Armenia
CAe 6351 BM/LIT6351HymnLalibala Hymn to Lālibalā
CAe 6352 BM/LIT6352MEMiracle Miracle of ʾEwosṭātewos: the widow Burǝkt Māryām who was saved from death
CAe 6353 BM/LIT6353MartyrdomIschyrion ገድል፡ ወስምዕ፡ ዘቅዱስ፡ ወብፁዕ፡ አበስኪሮን፡, Gadl wa-sǝmʿ za-qǝddus wa-bǝḍuʿ ʾAbaskiron
CAe 6354 BM/LIT6354MEMiracle Miracle of ʾEwosṭātewos: the people of Armenia saw the saint walking on the sea
CAe 6355 BM/LIT6355MEMiracle Miracle of ʾEwosṭātewos: Gabra Krǝstos ordered his son Taʾamāni Baʾǝgziʾ to observe the saint's commemoration
CAe 6356 BM/LIT6356MEMiracle Miracle of ʾEwosṭātewos: Taʾammino Baʾǝgziʾ ordered his son Bǝrhāna Masqal to observe the saint's commemoration
CAe 6357 BM/LIT6357MEMiracle Miracle of ʾEwosṭātewos: a monk who lived near the Romā river told the governor about the greatness of the saint
CAe 6358 BM/LIT6358MEMiracle Miracle of ʾEwosṭātewos: the saint appeared and saved a pious priest who was being slandered before the king
Identifiers CAe # Primary Title