Mazgaba Maṣāḥəft



Identifiers CAe # Primary Title
CAe 1219 BM/LIT1219Bible Bible
CAe 1221 BM/LIT1221BookofWise Book of the Wise Philosophers
CAe 1223 BM/LIT1223Canons Canons of Cyril III ibn Laqlaq
CAe 1224 BM/LIT1224Canons Canons of Eusebios (General record)
CAe 1225 BM/LIT1225Canons Canons of Hippolytus, Canones Hippolyti
CAe 1226 BM/LIT1226Canons Canons of Nicaea (General Record)
CAe 1227 BM/LIT1227Canons Canons of Shenute
CAe 1229 BM/LIT1229Cantat Cantate Domino
CAe 1230 BM/LIT1230Cantip Canti popolari tigrai
CAe 1231 BM/LIT1231Cantic Cantici di Sion
CAe 1232 BM/LIT1232Cantic Canticle of the Three Youths in the Furnace
CAe 1233 BM/LIT1233Cantic Canticles
CAe 1234 BM/LIT1234Catena Commentary on the Gospel of Matthew
CAe 1235 BM/LIT1235Cathed Cathedral Homilies
CAe 1236 BM/LIT1236Caveof Cave of Treasures
CAe 1237 BM/LIT1237Chroni Chronicle
CAe 1238 BM/LIT1238Chroni Chronicle
CAe 1239 BM/LIT1239Chroni Chronicle of John of Nikiu
CAe 1240 BM/LIT1240Chroni Chronicle
CAe 1241 BM/LIT1241Chroni Chronicle of Zuqnin
CAe 1242 BM/LIT1242Chroni Chronicle of the Kingdom of Gumma
CAe 1243 BM/LIT1243Chroni Chronicles, Book of
CAe 1244 BM/LIT1244Chroni Chronicon
CAe 1245 BM/LIT1245Kitaba Kitāb at-tawārīḫ
CAe 1246 BM/LIT1246Chroni Chronicon Paschale
CAe 1247 BM/LIT1247Chrono Chronographia
CAe 1248 BM/LIT1248Chrono Chronographia
CAe 1249 BM/LIT1249Chrono Chronographia
CAe 1250 BM/LIT1250Confes Confessio
CAe 1251 BM/LIT1251Confes Confessio
CAe 1252 BM/LIT1252Confes Confessio Claudii
CAe 1253 BM/LIT1253Confes Confession
CAe 1254 BM/LIT1254Dagemm ዳግም፡ ምጽአቱ፡ ለክርስቶስ፡ ወትንሣኤ፡ ምውታን፡, Dāgǝm mǝṣʾatu la-Krǝstos wa-tǝnśāʾe mǝwwǝtān, The Second Coming of Christ and the Resurrection of the Dead
CAe 1255 BM/LIT1255Dagmaw Dagmawi Mǝnilǝk nǝguśä nägäśt zäʾityoṗya
CAe 1256 BM/LIT1256Dalail Dalāʾil al-ḫayrāt
CAe 1257 BM/LIT1257Damyal Däm yalläš ṭorǝnnät
CAe 1258 BM/LIT1258Dandew Dandew Ḉäbbude
CAe 1259 BM/LIT1259Daniel Daniel, Book of
CAe 1260 BM/LIT1260Darasi Därasiw
CAe 1261 BM/LIT1261Dardaa Dardaaran
CAe 1262 BM/LIT1262Dawite Dawitǝnna Orya
CAe 1263 BM/LIT1263Delkam Dǝl kämot bäḫwala
CAe 1264 BM/LIT1264Derreb Dǝrrǝb ḉǝqqun
CAe 1265 BM/LIT1265Dersan ድርሳን፡ በእንተ፡ ቅድስት፡ ፋሲካ፡, Dǝrsān baʾǝnta qǝddǝst fāsikā, Homily on the Holy Easter
CAe 1266 BM/LIT1266Dersan ድርሳን፡ በእንተ፡ ሥላሴ፡ ፍክሬ፡, Dǝrsān baʾǝnta Śǝllāse fǝkre, Homily on the Trinity
CAe 1267 BM/LIT1267Dersan ድርሳን፡ … በእንተ፡ ሃይማኖት፡, Dǝrsān … baʾǝnta hāymānot, Homily on the Trinity
CAe 1269 BM/LIT1269Dersan ድርሳን፡ በእንተ፡ ሰንበታት፡, Dǝrsān baʾǝnta sanbatāt
CAe 1272 BM/LIT1272Dersan Dǝrsan dagǝm zäʿǝzra
CAe 1273 BM/LIT1273Dersan Dǝrsan wägädl zäyared
CAe 1274 BM/LIT1274Dersan ድርሳን፡ ወትምህርት፡ ዘአበዊነ፡ ሐዋርያት፡ ቅዱሳን፡, Dǝrsān wa-tǝmhǝrt za-ʾabawina ḥawāryāt qǝddusān
Identifiers CAe # Primary Title