Mazgaba Maṣāḥəft



Identifiers CAe # Primary Title
CAe 5349 BM/LIT5349MiraclePraise Miracle of Mary: Praise of St Mary's greatness
CAe 5350 BM/LIT5350MiracleMalkasedeq Miracle of Mary: Malka Ṣǝdǝq learns from a vision how Zarʿa Yāʿqob was chosen to reign
CAe 5351 BM/LIT5351MiracleParalytic Miracle of Mary: A paralytic is cured at the church of Makāna ʾIyasus; he establishes a monastery at the tomb of ʾabbā ʾAnbasā and lives there
CAe 5352 BM/LIT5352MiracleMalkasedeq2 Miracle of Mary: St Mary informs Malka Ṣǝdǝq in a vision that he will receive favour from Emperor Zarʿa Yāʿqob
CAe 5353 BM/LIT5353MiracleStephanites2 Miracle of Mary: The Stephanites are revealed among the damned in a vision of the blessed and the damned
CAe 5354 BM/LIT5354Mashaf መጽሐፈ፡ አሀጕሎተ፡ ሐሰት፡
CAe 5355 BM/LIT5355MiracleIcon Miracle of Mary: The miraculous icon in a monastery: when the Body of Christ falls to the ground unnoticed during the distribution of Communion, St Mary orders St Michael to pick it up
CAe 5356 BM/LIT5356MiracleTakaMaryam Miracle of Mary: A Christian of Tāʾka Māryām, Tansǝʾa Krǝstos, tries to convert a Muslim
CAe 5357 BM/LIT5357MiracleGenbot Miracle of Mary: St Mary appears to a pious woman and asks her to go to a certain town and teach the people the observance of her five feast days, from the 21st to the 25th of Gǝnbot
CAe 5358 BM/LIT5358MiracleEntones Miracle of Mary: St. Mary rescues ʾƎnṭonǝs, a wonder-working monk from another monastery who was living with the monks of Dabra Māryām, when Satan comes in disguise and tries to throttle him
CAe 5359 BM/LIT5359MiracleQirqos Miracle of Mary: A man prays for his sick son before the icon of St Mary, she sends St Qirqos, then comes herself with St George to cure him
CAe 5360 BM/LIT5360MiracleStoning Miracle of Mary: The girl who was going to be stoned after she was caught committing fornication
CAe 5361 BM/LIT5361MiracleWasherman Miracle of Mary: The king's washerman who was attacked by a lion
CAe 5362 BM/LIT5362MiracleVow Miracle of Mary: A young man whom his mother had vowed to the service of St Mary becomes impotent when his parents try to wed him
CAe 5363 BM/LIT5363MiracleBanquet Miracle of Mary: The man who wanted to give a banquet on St Mary's feast but was unable because of a famine
CAe 5364 BM/LIT5364MiracleShrine Miracle of Mary: A sinner is saved from damnation because he had built a shrine in the name of St Mary
CAe 5365 BM/LIT5365MiracleSoldier Miracle of Mary: A soldier redeems the Child Jesus from another soldier who was thinking of handing him over to King Herod
CAe 5366 BM/LIT5366MiracleBribe Miracle of Mary: The man who accepted fine clothes as a bribe for future favors
CAe 5367 BM/LIT5367MiraclePestilence Miracle of Mary: St Mary stops a pestilence
CAe 5368 BM/LIT5368MiraclePlague Miracle of Mary: A plague in a monastery is halted at the prayer of a monk
CAe 5369 BM/LIT5369MiracleSpain Miracle of Mary: The church of St Mary in Spain to which she used to bring Christian captives
CAe 5370 BM/LIT5370MiracleCyprus Miracle of Mary: The priest from Cyprus who brought a particle of the Eucharist to a Jew
CAe 5371 BM/LIT5371MiracleSyria Miracle of Mary: Brigands try to steal from a church of St Mary in Syria but are unable to bring what they have stolen out of the church
CAe 5372 BM/LIT5372MiracleDrowning Miracle of Mary: A child whom his mother had vowed to St Mary is rescued from drowning
CAe 5373 BM/LIT5373MiracleCyprus2 Miracle of Mary: Some Christians held captive by a Muslim are freed by an angel and are brought to Cyprus
CAe 5374 BM/LIT5374MiracleTribute Miracle of Mary: A Muslim official demands tribute from the monks of Dabra Qʷǝsqʷām
CAe 5375 BM/LIT5375MiracleSebkahad Miracle of Mary: A thief is hanged upside down with the objects he stole from the church of St Mary in Sǝbkaḥad
CAe 5376 BM/LIT5376MiracleManuscript Miracle of Mary: The dog that ran off with a manuscript of the Miracles of Mary
CAe 5377 BM/LIT5377MiracleKing Miracle of Mary: The king of Egypt asks St Mary to bless his land
CAe 5378 BM/LIT5378MiracleSaf Miracle of Mary: St Mary restores his eye to a brigand from Sāf who had been deprived of it by order of the judge
CAe 5379 BM/LIT5379MiracleBaptism Miracle of Mary: An unbaptized Jewish woman attempts to enter the house of St Mary, who prevents her and tells her to seek baptism
CAe 5380 BM/LIT5380MiracleAnnunciation Miracle of Mary: The Annunciation
CAe 5381 BM/LIT5381MiracleCup Miracle of Mary: St Mary gives a cup of the water of life to an Ethiopian monk in Jerusalem
CAe 5382 BM/LIT5382MiracleConception Miracle of Mary: On the conception of Christ
CAe 5383 BM/LIT5383MiracleHyena Miracle of Mary: The woman whose baby daughter was carried off by a hyena
CAe 5384 BM/LIT5384MiracleTithes Miracle of Mary: Christ gives Ethiopia as tithes to St Mary
CAe 5385 BM/LIT5385MiracleGaza Miracle of Mary: The Holy Family returns from Egypt by way of Gaza
CAe 5386 BM/LIT5386MiracleGalilee Miracle of Mary: St Mary is welcomed when she returns to Galilee
CAe 5387 BM/LIT5387MiracleOil Miracle of Mary: A container of oil remains suspended in mid air in a church of St Mary when the cord by which it was suspended breaks
CAe 5388 BM/LIT5388MiracleNativity Miracle of Mary: The Nativity of Christ
CAe 5389 BM/LIT5389MiracleMagi Miracle of Mary: The shepherds and the magi come to worship Christ
CAe 5390 BM/LIT5390MiracleTemple Miracle of Mary: St Mary's stay in the Temple
CAe 5391 BM/LIT5391MiracleJulius Miracle of Mary: The story of Julius Aqfahasi
CAe 5392 BM/LIT5392MiracleAbadir Miracle of Mary: The story of ʾAbādir, a district governor of Egypt
CAe 5393 BM/LIT5393MiracleTarses Miracle of Mary: The story of King Ṭarsǝs of Fārs, who loved to kill Christians
CAe 5394 BM/LIT5394MiracleYasay Miracle of Mary: King Yasāy of Egypt, who became a monk in Dabra Rom
CAe 5395 BM/LIT5395MiracleRome Miracle of Mary: The Jew from Rome who wanted to kill Christians, but was seized by the priests of the church of St Mary
CAe 5396 BM/LIT5396MiracleErmeyas Miracle of Mary: St Mary heals the wounds of ʾƎrmǝyās of Sidon with a drop of her milk
CAe 5397 BM/LIT5397MiracleTewoqritos Miracle of Mary: Patriarch Tewoqriṭos of Jerusalem rebukes King ʾAkrāṭis of Egypt for not fasting or praying
CAe 5398 BM/LIT5398MiracleAstaqaos Miracle of Mary: The story of ʾAstaqāʾos, the European potter who was buried alive
Identifiers CAe # Primary Title