Mazgaba Maṣāḥəft



Identifiers CAe # Primary Title
CAe 5248 BM/LIT5248MiracleStephanites Miracle of Mary: The judgment of the court of Zarʿa Yāʿqob against the Stephanites
CAe 5249 BM/LIT5249Miracle16Nahase Miracle of Mary: Synaxary entry for 16 Naḥase: The Apostles visit St Mary in heaven
CAe 5250 BM/LIT5250MiracleApostles Miracle of Mary: Anonymous homily against the report that the Apostles abandoned the body of St Mary when they were attacked by the Jews during her funeral procession
CAe 5251 BM/LIT5251MiracleAttack Miracle of Mary: A Christian community is attacked by a neighboring Muslim community
CAe 5252 BM/LIT5252MiracleJew Miracle of Mary: A renegade monk who had become a Jew is hunted down by the troops of the king
CAe 5253 BM/LIT5253MiracleEpiphany Miracle of Mary: The Magicians who tried to cast a spell on the Epiphany water
CAe 5255 BM/LIT5255MiracleBatergela1 Miracle of Mary: The birth of the prince, Batergelā Māryām
CAe 5256 BM/LIT5256MiracleBatergela2 Miracle of Mary: Batergelā Māryām is accused of treason and is imprisoned
CAe 5257 BM/LIT5257MiracleBatergela3 Miracle of Mary: Batergelā Māryām is protected from the plague; his calumniator is punished by the king
CAe 5258 BM/LIT5258MiracleMetmaqDestruction Miracle of Mary: When the destruction of Dabra Mǝtmāq is reported in Ethiopia, the king orders the construction of a new monastery to take its place
CAe 5259 BM/LIT5259MiracleOven Miracle of Mary: When Satan destroys the oven of a monastery, he is compelled to serve the monks for twelve years in punishment
CAe 5260 BM/LIT5260MiracleDaughterArsaban Miracle of Mary: St Mary heals the daughter of ʾArsabān while still in the womb of St Anne
CAe 5261 BM/LIT5261MiracleConception Miracle of Mary: The conception and nativity of St Mary
CAe 5262 BM/LIT5262MiracleBirth Miracle of Mary: The birth of St Mary on the 1st of Gǝnbot
CAe 5263 BM/LIT5263MiraclePresentation Miracle of Mary: When she is three years old, St Mary is taken to the Temple
CAe 5264 BM/LIT5264MiracleNativity Miracle of Mary: The conception and nativity of St Mary (general record)
CAe 5265 BM/LIT5265MiracleAdam Miracle of Mary: The descent of the holy seed from Adam to St Mary
CAe 5266 BM/LIT5266MiracleAnnunciationGabriel Miracle of Mary: God sends St Gabriel to St Mary for the Annunciation
CAe 5267 BM/LIT5267MiracleJews Miracle of Mary: The Jews plot to kill St Mary because of the miracles she was working while still in the womb of St Anne
CAe 5268 BM/LIT5268MiracleAnnunciation Miracle of Mary: The Annunciation
CAe 5269 BM/LIT5269MiracleTemple Miracle of Mary: St Mary leaves the Temple and enters the home of St Joseph
CAe 5270 BM/LIT5270MiracleCircumcision Miracle of Mary: The Circumcision
CAe 5271 BM/LIT5271MiracleHerod Miracle of Mary: Herod orders the slaughter of the Innocents; a hunter with his dogs finds the Holy Family in flight from the king
CAe 5272 BM/LIT5272MiracleHunter Miracle of Mary: The hunter reports to King Dǝmātǝyānos, who comes to visit the Holy Family
CAe 5273 BM/LIT5273MiracleReturn Miracle of Mary: St Gabriel tells St Mary to return from the mountains of Lebanon to Bethlehem
CAe 5274 BM/LIT5274MiracleJoseph Miracle of Mary: An angel tells St Joseph to take St Mary and her child to Egypt
CAe 5275 BM/LIT5275MiracleMagi Miracle of Mary: All Israel is upset by the coming of the Magi; St Gabriel tells St Mary to flee to the mountains of Lebanon
CAe 5276 BM/LIT5276MiracleTiberias Miracle of Mary: The Magi find the Holy Family and depart; St Mary flees to Tiberias and from there to the mountains of Lebanon
CAe 5277 BM/LIT5277MiracleDirde Miracle of Mary: The Holy Family stays in Dirde
CAe 5278 BM/LIT5278MiracleEdomeyas Miracle of Mary: St Mary's prayer while in the wilderness of ʾEdomǝyās
CAe 5279 BM/LIT5279MiracleChild Miracle of Mary: A child, while attending a hermit's mass near Jerusalem, is seized by Satan, but is delivered by St Mary
CAe 5280 BM/LIT5280MiracleHoms Miracle of Mary: A column falls and breaks the leg of the son of an official when Muslims destroy a church of St Mary in Homs
CAe 5281 BM/LIT5281MiracleTemple Miracle of Mary: St Mary stays in the Temple
CAe 5282 BM/LIT5282MiracleEspousing Miracle of Mary: St Mary is espoused to St Joseph
CAe 5283 BM/LIT5283MiracleTiras Miracle of Mary: Ṭirās, who did not observe holy days, becomes deaf and dumb, but he is healed when his master prays to St Mary
CAe 5284 BM/LIT5284MiracleDawit Miracle of Mary: St Mary makes a covenant with King Dāwit of Ethiopia
CAe 5285 BM/LIT5285MiracleGeneral Miracle of Mary: The general of King Dāwit of Ethiopia who defected to the enemy
CAe 5286 BM/LIT5286MiracleDog Miracle of Mary: The hunter who discovered the Holy Family in flight is turned into a dog when he violates his oath not to reveal them
CAe 5287 BM/LIT5287MiracleKing Miracle of Mary: The Holy Family visits the king of the Semites
CAe 5288 BM/LIT5288MiracleNile Miracle of Mary: The Holy Family uses stones instead of a boat to cross the Nile
CAe 5289 BM/LIT5289MiracleClothes Miracle of Mary: The three pious priests and monks who wore fine clothes
CAe 5290 BM/LIT5290MiracleMuslims Miracle of Mary: The Muslims who stole the furnishings of a church of St Mary located near the western boundary of Ethiopia and were struck by lightning
CAe 5291 BM/LIT5291MiracleAdultery Miracle of Mary: The punishment of an Ethiopian woman who swore falsely that she had not committed adultery with another woman's husband
CAe 5292 BM/LIT5292MiracleSchool Miracle of Mary: The monk who was expelled from school when he could not pay his teacher
CAe 5293 BM/LIT5293MiracleTabot Miracle of Mary: The new tābot of St Mary that was found outside the box in which it had been placed
CAe 5294 BM/LIT5294MiracleGuard Miracle of Mary: A monk, while guarding a church, has a nocturnal emission and finds himself suddenly outside the courtyard of the church
CAe 5295 BM/LIT5295MiracleAngel Miracle of Mary: An angel drives away the custodian of a church of St Mary when he was about to enter after sinning with a woman
CAe 5296 BM/LIT5296MiracleGeneralMuslims Miracle of Mary: The Ethiopian general who went off to fight the Muslims without the consent of the king
CAe 5297 BM/LIT5297MiracleRetainers Miracle of Mary: The two retainers of a pious ruler who swore not to fight with one another
CAe 5298 BM/LIT5298MiracleFood Miracle of Mary: A monk obtains from St Mary food for a visitor
Identifiers CAe # Primary Title