Mazgaba Maṣāḥəft



Identifiers CAe # Primary Title
CAe 5299 BM/LIT5299MiracleBurial Miracle of Mary: The king who ordered his retainers to bury him in the church of St Mary that he had built
CAe 5300 BM/LIT5300MiracleBurning Miracle of Mary: The man who out of jealousy burned down the house of a former wife who had abandoned him
CAe 5301 BM/LIT5301MiracleHouse Miracle of Mary: The man who suspected a former wife of having burned down his house
CAe 5302 BM/LIT5302MiracleThieves Miracle of Mary: The thieves who stole the furnishings of a church of St Mary and refused to restore them when she appeared to them
CAe 5303 BM/LIT5303MiracleGarment Miracle of Mary: The man who borrowed for a wedding a silken garment from the church of St Mary
CAe 5304 BM/LIT5304MiraclePlundering Miracle of Mary: The Muslim who was unable to open the church he was intending to plunder
CAe 5305 BM/LIT5305MiracleGoat Miracle of Mary: A goat comes miraculously to be slaughtered
CAe 5306 BM/LIT5306MiracleRobbers Miracle of Mary: The robbers who took from a monk his clothes and the cover of an icon of St Mary that he was carrying
CAe 5307 BM/LIT5307MiracleAbbot Miracle of Mary: The abbot who fell sick while on a missionary journey
CAe 5308 BM/LIT5308MiracleNativityChrist Miracle of Mary: The nativity of Christ
CAe 5309 BM/LIT5309MiracleMilk Miracle of Mary: The milk of St Mary that was poured on the ground in Egypt
CAe 5310 BM/LIT5310MiraclePilgrim Miracle of Mary: The Ethiopian pilgrim who was expelled from the Church (of the Resurrection) in Jerusalem during the Easter services
CAe 5311 BM/LIT5311MiracleShoes Miracle of Mary: The icon of St Mary in the Church of the "Romans'' that rebuked the Ethiopians for approaching with their shoes on
CAe 5312 BM/LIT5312MiracleAnaphora Miracle of Mary: The rich man who left the church because the priest was saying the Anaphora of St Mary, Gʷasʿā, on a big feast day
CAe 5313 BM/LIT5313MiracleWealth Miracle of Mary: The rich persons who stored their wealth in a church
CAe 5314 BM/LIT5314MiracleSlave Miracle of Mary: The man who lost a slave that he was about to sell in Barārā
CAe 5315 BM/LIT5315MiracleAbdication Miracle of Mary: The monasteries summon King (Dāwit) of Ethiopia to abdicate
CAe 5316 BM/LIT5316MiracleGS Miracle of Mary: The carpenter who asked for a copy of the Gadla samāʿtāt as a reward for his services in building a church
CAe 5317 BM/LIT5317MiracleDabraMaryam Miracle of Mary: St Mary appears to a priest of Dabra Māryām in Sire
CAe 5318 BM/LIT5318MiracleHamda Miracle of Mary: The pilgrim who was journeying to Jerusalem through Ḥamdā
CAe 5319 BM/LIT5319MiracleAlexandria Miracle of Mary: The icon of St Mary in a church of Alexandria that some Europeans tried to steal
CAe 5320 BM/LIT5320MiraclePunishment Miracle of Mary: The punishment of a custodian of a church who did not obey the bishop
CAe 5321 BM/LIT5321MiracleIcon Miracle of Mary: The icon of St Mary that did not burn when the rest of the house was destroyed
CAe 5322 BM/LIT5322MiracleDrowning Miracle of Mary: The pious monk who drowned while crossing a river on his way to a feast that was being given by a rich man in honor of the Assumption
CAe 5323 BM/LIT5323MiracleBlind Miracle of Mary: The blind teacher whom his pupils wanted to push over a cliff while they were on their way to a feast being given in honor of the Assumption
CAe 5324 BM/LIT5324MiracleNativity Miracle of Mary: The Nativity; the adoration of the shepherds and the Magi
CAe 5325 BM/LIT5325MiracleTheocleia Miracle of Mary: St Mary appears to Theocleia and prepares her for martyrdom
CAe 5326 BM/LIT5326MiracleHorologium Miracle of Mary: The abbot who rejected the horologium and other works of ʾabbā Giyorgis
CAe 5327 BM/LIT5327MiracleVisit Miracle of Mary: St Mary cuts short her visit to a pious monk when she hears her name invoked according to the horologium of ʾabbā Giyorgis
CAe 5328 BM/LIT5328MiracleDream Miracle of Mary: A young monk is horrified when he has a sexual dream
CAe 5329 BM/LIT5329MiracleDedication Miracle of Mary: When a couple tries to marry their son whom they had dedicated to St Mary, he falls sick to the point of death
CAe 5330 BM/LIT5330MiracleIsland Miracle of Mary: The monk from a monstery on an island who could not find his boat when he wanted to return
CAe 5331 BM/LIT5331MiracleAlexius Miracle of Mary: St Alexius lives for fifteen years near a church of St Mary in Armenia
CAe 5332 BM/LIT5332MiracleBula Miracle of Mary: The history of ʾabbā Bulā/ʾAbib
CAe 5333 BM/LIT5333MiracleHagara Miracle of Mary: The recovery of the icons stolen from Hagara Māryām
CAe 5334 BM/LIT5334MiracleFurnishings Miracle of Mary: St Mary reveals where the furnishings stolen from the church of Hagara Māryām are located
CAe 5335 BM/LIT5335MiracleLeopard Miracle of Mary: A leopard carries off a goat that a poor man had bought in the market for the commemorative feast of St Mary
CAe 5336 BM/LIT5336MiracleThief Miracle of Mary: The man who used to steal his food from the fields and would not admit it when questioned
CAe 5337 BM/LIT5337MiracleTree Miracle of Mary: A huge tree needed for the construction of Hagara Māryām that they were unable to cut down falls down for them during the night
CAe 5338 BM/LIT5338MiracleStone Miracle of Mary: Stone needed for the constructton of Hagara Māryām is found by the help of a vision
CAe 5339 BM/LIT5339MiraclePillar Miracle of Mary: A tree intended for a pillar for Hagara Māryām falls over a cliff, when they cut it down, but it ts recovered undamaged
CAe 5340 BM/LIT5340MiracleBadlay Miracle of Mary: Zarʿ a Yāʿqob and the invasion of Badlāy
CAe 5341 BM/LIT5341MiracleBadlay2 Miracle of Mary: Zarʿa Yāʿqob is given a sign of Badlāy's fall
CAe 5342 BM/LIT5342MiracleWaybela Miracle of Mary: St Mary appears to the gabaz of her church in Waybǝlā and tells him about the fall of Badlāy
CAe 5343 BM/LIT5343MiraclePlate Miracle of Mary: The Egyptian woman who lost a silver plate while bathing in a miraculous spring
CAe 5344 BM/LIT5344MiracleFeeding Miracle of Mary: The hungry man whom St Mary used to feed
CAe 5345 BM/LIT5345MiracleZakaryas Miracle of Mary: The priest, Zacharias, who was about to hang himself so as not to see his son die
CAe 5346 BM/LIT5346MiracleWater Miracle of Mary: St Mary turns water over which her anaphora was recited by ʾabbā Sāmuʾel of Wāli into miraculous bread
CAe 5347 BM/LIT5347MiracleGifts Miracle of Mary: St Mary brings gifts to ʾabbā Sāmuʾel of Wāli
CAe 5348 BM/LIT5348MiraclePrayer Miracle of Mary: Satan tries to prevent ʾabbā Sāmuʾel of Wāli from praying by seizing his prayer book
Identifiers CAe # Primary Title