Mazgaba Maṣāḥəft



Identifiers CAe # Primary Title
CAe 5553 BM/LIT5553MiracleBabnuda Miracle of Mary: ʾabbā Paphnutius lives in the desert for thirty-three years, being nourished with bread from Heaven
CAe 5554 BM/LIT5554MiracleArkaledes Miracle of Mary: ʾArkaledǝs from Qāwǝḥ, who vowed not to look again at a woman, when his mother came to visit him, he died before seeing her
CAe 5555 BM/LIT5555MMBartholomew Miracle of Mary: The vision granted to Archbishop Bartholomew in Jerusalem
CAe 5556 BM/LIT5556MMThieves Miracle of Mary: Four thieves break into the church of St Mary and steal vestments; they are brought back by lions
CAe 5557 BM/LIT5557MMMonks Miracle of Mary: The thirty monks of Scete whom Satan inspired to beat each other
CAe 5558 BM/LIT5558MMBird Miracle of Mary: Satan takes the form of a bird to deceive two monks who had lived together in harmony for fifteen years
CAe 5559 BM/LIT5559MMMaksimos Miracle of Mary: The clergy wish to receive Communion on the feast of Easter from Archbishop Maximus in Jerusalem
CAe 5560 BM/LIT5560MMDaneel Miracle of Mary: St Mary assists ʾabbā Dānǝʾel in the desert and gives him a lion to ride on
CAe 5561 BM/LIT5561MMZenaKr Miracle of Mary: The European monk, Zenā Krǝstos, who was a herder and whose beasts were attacked by a lion
CAe 5562 BM/LIT5562MMElyab Miracle of Mary: Sts Michael and Gabriel appear while Abbot Eliab is teaching his monks, who are given bread from Heaven
CAe 5563 BM/LIT5563MMHomily Miracle of Mary: Homily of St John the Evangelist on the greatness of St Mary, which he had seen in a vision
CAe 5564 BM/LIT5564MMArmenia Miracle of Mary: The Christian villagers in Armenia who had to buy their water from Jews
CAe 5565 BM/LIT5565MMPelagia Miracle of Mary: Pelagia, a nun from Caesarea, whom Satan afflicted with leprosy
CAe 5566 BM/LIT5566MMAqlemya Miracle of Mary: ʾAqlemyā, a poor woman from Rome, who was tied to a tree by brigands for five days and nights
CAe 5567 BM/LIT5567MMRetainer Miracle of Mary: A Christian retainer escapes unharmed when his king is defeated by the Moslems
CAe 5568 BM/LIT5568MMRaft Miracle of Mary: The woman who was crossing a river on a raft
CAe 5569 BM/LIT5569MMTeaching Miracle of Mary: St Mary teaches a man who had been refused instruction how to write
CAe 5570 BM/LIT5570MMZakaryas Miracle of Mary: Zakāryās from Rāfā, whom the custodian of the church locked out of the place where his food was kept
CAe 5571 BM/LIT5571MMLebdeyos Miracle of Mary: Abbot Lǝbdǝyos speaks to the people on the feast of St Mary when they ask him to distribute Communion
CAe 5572 BM/LIT5572MMMekmeyanos Miracle of Mary: Patriarch Mǝkmǝyanos, whom the clergy and people threatened to depose when he fell sick
CAe 5573 BM/LIT5573MMBakimos Miracle of Mary: Bishop Bakimos of Constantinople, to whom St Mary appeared concerning Lǝbanyā, who was sterile
CAe 5574 BM/LIT5574MMRomanos Miracle of Mary: The story of the martyr, St Romanus
CAe 5575 BM/LIT5575MMAngels Miracle of Mary: How the angels worship the Eucharist, the Cross and St Mary
CAe 5576 BM/LIT5576MMTasfaM Miracle of Mary: Abbot Tasfa Māḫbar from Caesarea, who was given a cloud as a chariot and went to visit ʾabbā Zakāryas in Scete
CAe 5577 BM/LIT5577MMDoyq Miracle of Mary: Doyq, the son of Ṭāliq, is raised from the dead by St Mary while she was still in the womb of St Anne
CAe 5578 BM/LIT5578MMSaladdin Miracle of Mary: Saladdin and his men try to force their way into the house where St Mary was born
CAe 5579 BM/LIT5579MMWomen Miracle of Mary: St Mary heals two women whom a demon had made ill
CAe 5580 BM/LIT5580MMServant Miracle of Mary: A young servant of a monk gets lost among Muslims but is restored safe and sound when the monk cries to St Mary
CAe 5581 BM/LIT5581MMMArrying Miracle of Mary: A woman marries seven times, but each time her husband is killed by a demon
CAe 5582 BM/LIT5582MMBlessing Miracle of Mary: St Mary before her dormition asks Christ to bless those who honor her and pray for her help
CAe 5583 BM/LIT5583MMTurks Miracle of Mary: A Christian from Bethlehem is restored to his community after being sold into slavery by the Turks and beaten and slain by his master
CAe 5584 BM/LIT5584MMCalvary Miracle of Mary: St Mary visits Calvary
CAe 5585 BM/LIT5585MMHomily Miracle of Mary: Homily on the greatness of St Mary
CAe 5586 BM/LIT5586MMAssumption Miracle of Mary: Homily on the Assumption and on the reason for the trials and labors of the Apostles
CAe 5587 BM/LIT5587MMVision Miracle of Mary: The vision of St John in the Apocalypse
CAe 5588 BM/LIT5588MMJohn Miracle of Mary: Homily on the vision of St John the Evangelist
CAe 5589 BM/LIT5589MMJohn2 Miracle of Mary: Continuation of the preceding homily on the vision of the Apocalypse
CAe 5590 BM/LIT5590MMJohn3 Miracle of Mary: Continuation of the preceding homily on the vision of the Apocalypse
CAe 5591 BM/LIT5591MMJohn4 Miracle of Mary: Conclusion of the preceding homily on the vision of the Apocalypse
CAe 5592 BM/LIT5592MMAssumption Miracle of Mary: The Apostles decree that the events concerning the Transitus of St Mary that they have witnessed should be written down and that be commemorated three times a year
CAe 5593 BM/LIT5593MMBird Miracle of Mary: Homily on the silver bird with gilded wings (Ps: 67:14)
CAe 5594 BM/LIT5594MMPaul Miracle of Mary: The acts of St Paul in Wāriqon, as narrated by St Peter
CAe 5595 BM/LIT5595MMBethlehem Miracle of Mary: When the Jews try to seize St Mary and the Apostles in Bethlehem, they are taken by the Spirit to the Temple, the house being left empty
CAe 5596 BM/LIT5596MMGovernor Miracle of Mary: The governor believes in Christ and rebukes the Jews
CAe 5597 BM/LIT5597MMSpirit Miracle of Mary: The Spirit tells the Apostles to take St Mary from the Temple
CAe 5598 BM/LIT5598MMAnnunciation Miracle of Mary: Homily on the Annunciation, preceded by the gospel text
CAe 5599 BM/LIT5599MMAnnunciation2 Miracle of Mary: Continuation of the preceding homily on the Annunciation
CAe 5600 BM/LIT5600MMAgabos Miracle of Mary: When ʾAgābos from Dalgā enters the church, the icon of St Mary weeps
CAe 5601 BM/LIT5601MMDormition Miracle of Mary: The Dormition
CAe 5602 BM/LIT5602MMElisabeth Miracle of Mary: After the Annunciation, Zacharias blesses St Mary, who then goes to visit her cousin, Elizabeth
Identifiers CAe # Primary Title