Mazgaba Maṣāḥəft



Identifiers CAe # Primary Title
CAe 3857 BM/LIT3857KingList King list E
CAe 3858 BM/LIT3858KingList King list F
CAe 3859 BM/LIT3859KingList King list F bis
CAe 3860 BM/LIT3860KingList King list G
CAe 3861 BM/LIT3861KingList King list H
CAe 3862 BM/LIT3862KingList King list H bis
CAe 3864 BM/LIT3864Miracle Miracle of Mary: Miracle of the Virgin Mary and the Lady Euphemia
CAe 3865 BM/LIT3865Miracle Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary made a stream to reverse its course
CAe 3866 BM/LIT3866Miracle Miracle of Mary: How Nicodemus the Persian knight became a Christian
CAe 3867 BM/LIT3867Miracle Miracle of Mary: How a shoemaker's daughter called Mary was taken possession of a horse-solder, who spared her virginity
CAe 3868 BM/LIT3868Miracle Miracle of Mary: How a man forsook his wife and loved another woman who was a worshipper of the Virgin Mary and repented
CAe 3869 BM/LIT3869Miracle Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary caused her son to appear in the form of a boy to a worshipper
CAe 3870 BM/LIT3870Miracle Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary and our Lord became sureties to a Jew for the debt owed to him by a certain merchant of Constantinople
CAe 3871 BM/LIT3871Miracle Miracle of Mary: How a woman consigned to the Devil the son she conceived on Easter eve
CAe 3872 BM/LIT3872Miracle Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary protected a philantropic merchant who had beggared himself
CAe 3873 BM/LIT3873Miracle Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary and St Peter saved from hell the souls of Peter the deacon and Stephen, two brothers from Constantinople
CAe 3874 BM/LIT3874Miracle Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary delivered from hell the soul of an evil man who had intended to build a church in her name
CAe 3875 BM/LIT3875Miracle Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary enabled a man to slay a serpent from which he took a pearl
CAe 3876 BM/LIT3876Miracle Miracle of Mary: How a bishop from St Peter's church in Rome stole holy oil and bought two pearls for Mary after having been rebuked
CAe 3877 BM/LIT3877Miracle Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary saved a young widow from a knight, who became a monk
CAe 3878 BM/LIT3878Miracle Miracle of Mary: How a knight loved a lady and prayed to Mary who appeared to him and how he became a monk
CAe 3879 BM/LIT3879Miracle Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary told a treasurer of a church to kiss her cheeks
CAe 3880 BM/LIT3880Miracle Miracle of Mary: How a merchant denied Christ but not Mary, who saved him
CAe 3881 BM/LIT3881Miracle Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary raised a dead knight to fight against Golyād
CAe 3882 BM/LIT3882Miracle Miracle of Mary: How an Ishmaelite was converted when he saw oil and milk flowing from the breasts of a picture of the Virgin Mary
CAe 3883 BM/LIT3883Miracle Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary appeared to a young man and made him swear he would not marry and how he ran away after his father chose a bride and broke his neck
CAe 3884 BM/LIT3884Miracle Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary obtained forgiveness for a spendthrift because though he denied the Father, Christ, the Holy Ghost and the angels he would not deny her
CAe 3885 BM/LIT3885Miracle Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary saved a lady from adultery by causing her to read the Prayers for the Dead and appeared to her
CAe 3886 BM/LIT3886Miracle Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary forgave a lady who commited incest with her son and murdered their child
CAe 3887 BM/LIT3887Miracle Miracle of Mary: How a young man placed a ring on the finger of a figure of the Virgin Mary, who regarded it as a ring of betrothal
CAe 3888 BM/LIT3888Miracle Miracle of Mary: How the painted figures of Christ and the Virgin Mary bled when a Jew cast the board into a pit, how the magistrate burned the Jew alive
CAe 3889 BM/LIT3889Miracle Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary saved the soul of a monk who was crossing a stream to visit a lover
CAe 3890 BM/LIT3890Miracle Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary made the tears of a sinful maiden to outweigh her sins
CAe 3891 BM/LIT3891Miracle Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary, when twelve years old, healed an epileptic
CAe 3893 BM/LIT3893Miracle Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary when at Bethlehem healed king Safron and drove out devils
CAe 3894 BM/LIT3894Miracle Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary forgave Mary the Egyptian harlot
CAe 3895 BM/LIT3895Miracle Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary delivered a Muslim from prison and how he escaped to Cyprus
CAe 3896 BM/LIT3896Miracle Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary fought against an ape and delivered a huntsman from death
CAe 3897 BM/LIT3897Miracle Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary kept alive miners buried in a fall of earth
CAe 3898 BM/LIT3898Miracle Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary delivered from prison a wrongly accused governor
CAe 3899 BM/LIT3899Miracle Miracle of Mary: The Virgin Mary and the wife who was an adultress
CAe 3900 BM/LIT3900Miracle Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary smote a satan who was trying to corrupt a monk
CAe 3901 BM/LIT3901Miracle Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary fed the starving monks
CAe 3902 BM/LIT3902Miracle Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary healed a leper on the day of her festival
CAe 3903 BM/LIT3903Miracle Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary healed a sick man by anointing him with her spittle
CAe 3904 BM/LIT3904Miracle Miracle of Mary: How the monks of a certain monastery reviled their abbot, whom the Virgin Mary carried to paradise
CAe 3905 BM/LIT3905Miracle Miracle of Mary: How a man collapsed whilst on his way to receive the Eucharist
CAe 3906 BM/LIT3906Miracle Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary obtained entry to paradise for the soul of a monk who had kept her fast annually
CAe 3907 BM/LIT3907Miracle Miracle of Mary: How the Virgin Mary caused the spirits of Macarius and others to appear to the monks of Scete
CAe 3908 BM/LIT3908Miracle Miracle of Mary: How an image of the Virgin Mary wept for the sins of the world
Identifiers CAe # Primary Title