Mazgaba Maṣāḥəft

CAe 2341



  • ሠርዓተ፡ መንግሥት፡, Śǝrʿāta mangǝśt (general record), Ordinance of Government
  • መጽሐፈ፡ ሠርዓተ፡ መንግሥት፡, Maṣḥafa śǝrʿāta mangǝśt, Book of the Order of the Kingdom


Śǝrʿāta mangǝśt is a generic title for a group of writings concerning court rituals and life, royalty, hierarchy, appointment and privileges of dignitaries.


  • Alessandro Bausi, general editor
  • Pietro Maria Liuzzo, contributor
  • Eugenia Sokolinski, contributor
  • Dorothea Reule, contributor


  • Dorothea Reule on :
    Title updated, abstract and bibliography added
  • Pietro Maria Liuzzo on :
    Created file from google spreadsheet
  • Eugenia Sokolinski on :
    CREATED: text record