- ድርሳን፡ ወትምህርት፡ ዘአበዊነ፡ ሐዋርያት፡ ቅዱሳን፡, Dǝrsān wa-tǝmhǝrt za-ʾabawina ḥawāryāt qǝddusān
- Teaching of the Apostles, regarding the passion, crucifixion and resurrection of our Lord
Dǝrsān wa-tǝmhǝrt za-ʾabawina ḥawāryāt qǝddusān is a collection of nine texts transmitted as part of either Gǝbra Ḥǝmāmāt or Taʾammǝra ʾIyasus. The first homily has also an independent title: Maṣḥafa dorho.
- Alessandro Bausi, general editor
- Pietro Maria Liuzzo, contributor
- Eugenia Sokolinski, contributor
- Marcin Krawczuk, contributor
Marcin Krawczuk on :
Added Ethiopic title, abstract, bibliography -
Pietro Maria Liuzzo on :
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Eugenia Sokolinski on :
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